WVA welcomes a new partner on board!

WVA is excited to announce its latest partnership with the Slovenian Vapers’ Association (ZVS)!

Slovenian Vapers’ Association (ZVS)  is dedicated to providing ample resources and information on vaping, aiming to equip the community and the government with the necessary knowledge to consider enacting vaping-related legislation.

“The primary objective is to educate the public, media, and government officials, addressing concerns regarding electronic cigarettes’ safety and dispelling any misconceptions or misinformation surrounding these products.” – said the president of the association, Slaven Kalebić.

WVA remains open to forging new collaborations, expanding the horizons of the THR community and amplifying our voices.

“It’s incredibly encouraging to witness the THR community flourish and welcome additional partners from the European Union. We’ve recently launched the ‘Every Life Counts’ campaign, rallying support through petitions to combat potentially counterproductive EU policies.

We welcome the Slovenian Vapers’ Association (ZVS) and are delighted to unite around this cause,” remarked Liza Katsiashvili, WVA’s Operations Director.

On behalf of the World Vapers’ Alliance, we warmly welcome our new partners!

To learn more about the Slovenian Vapers’ Association (ZVS), please visit their website: https://zv-slo.si/en/who-we-are/


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