
Vapers Address Swedish MPs

Last week, the global vaping advocacy group World Vapers Alliance delivered an open letter to the Swedish parliament urging policymakers to stop the flavour ban. It combined this with another protest to stand against the ban on vape flavours.

The World Vapers Alliance and a group of vapers marched in front of the Parliament with the slogan “Flavours help smokers quit” during parliament’s session and delivered an open letter to members of parliament to urge them to vote against the ban.

Earlier this year, the Swedish government introduced a bill that would prohibit all non-tobacco vape flavours in nicotine and non-nicotine products. If approved, the bill is set to enter into force on 1 January 2023.

“I benefited first-hand from vaping and managed to stay smoke-free for the last few years. Like most other smokers, I tried to find a way out of cigarettes – but nothing worked for me, the patches, the gums, cold turkey. Vaping – and especially combined with flavours – was my saviour. And like me there are millions around the world who are healthier and lead a better life because of vaping,” said Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance.


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