Two new organisations join the World Vapers’ Alliance

This month two new partners joined the ranks of the World Vapers Alliance, and we are delighted to welcome them to our great community ASOVAPE Ecuador and ASOVAPE Venezuela as we continue to strengthen our presence in South America.

Venezuela is currently in a grey area concerning the regulation of nicotine administration devices. Consumers and entrepreneurs have had moments in which their products have been restricted, but their sale and use are currently allowed and unregulated. Asovape Venezuela is making every effort to ensure the best possible regulation for vapers is achieved in their country.

Although Ecuador is less prohibitive, the government imposes a high tax rate on nicotine products (150%), which increases the price for consumers and restricts access to people with lower incomes who wish to switch and quit smoking using this method.

ASOVAPE Ecuador and ASVOAPE Venezuela are fighting the good fight for consumers in their country, and we are sure that by working together with us, they will make a difference.

Let’s warmly welcome them to our vaping family and continue our mission to make the voices of vaping advocates louder and more effective worldwide.

To learn more about ASOVAPE Ecuador and to read the latest about its activities, click here.

To learn more about ASOVAPE Venezuela and see its latest activities, click here.

With these two organisations joining our ranks, we now have a network of 23 consumer organisations around the world.





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