
Sweden Reduces Tax on Snus by 20%

Sweden Reduces Tax on Snus by 20% and Accelerates Progress Towards Smoke-Free Goal

[Brussels, 7 September 2023] – On track to achieve a smoking rate below 5%, Sweden has taken yet another progressive step in the realm of harm reduction, solidifying its leadership role among the EU countries. Today, the Swedish government has announced its plan to reduce the tax on snus, a smokeless tobacco product, by 20% while increasing the tax on cigarettes and smoking tobacco by 9%.

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, commented: 

“Sweden’s new taxation policy is an exemplary move in fast-tracking the country even further towards its smoke-free target. By making less harmful alternatives like snus more accessible through tax reductions, Sweden is not just theorising harm reduction; it’s effectively implementing it. It’s time for the EU to take a leaf out of Sweden’s book.”

This announcement marks a significant advancement in tobacco control efforts. By encouraging smokers to switch to less harmful alternatives through a reduced tax on snus, Sweden is enhancing its already impressive public health record.

Why This Matters for the EU

Sweden’s groundbreaking policy decision cements its leadership role in tobacco harm reduction, setting an exemplary standard for the EU to follow. Risk-based taxation and regulation can encourage smokers to transition to less harmful products, such as vaping and nicotine pouches.

Now is the time for the EU to follow Sweden’s lead. Implementing risk-based taxation and regulation for less harmful products like vaping and nicotine pouches—and legalising snus in the EU—would be a game-changer in public health policy,” added Michael Landl.


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