Raise your vapes Australia!

The World Vapers’ Alliance would like to congratulate Vapers in Australia, and particularly our partners, Legalise Vaping Australia, who raised their voice and secured a delay on the proposed ban on e-cigarettes and vape liquids containing nicotine. The proposal would have denied Australia’s 300,000 vapers access to this life-saving alternative to smoking. As our friends in Legalise Vaping have said: “Vaping is 95 per cent less harmful than smoking. No one has ever died from legal, properly-regulated vaping products. Meanwhile, smoking kills 58 Australians every day.”

We are proud to stand with vapers in Australia and will continue to raise our voices alongside them to kill this ban completely.

Health Minister Greg Hunt announced he is delaying the implementation of the nicotine import ban until 1 January 2021. The WVA and Legalise Vaping Australia will today raise a vape to all of the Australians who lifted their voices against this policy.

“This is a big win for vapers across Australia,” said Legalise Vaping Policy Director, Emilie Dye. “Thank you everyone who pitched in, sharing stories, signing petitions, and calling MPs.

“Federal policymakers heard your voices causing the Health Minister to delay this deadly policy. We now have an opportunity to fight for the legalisation and regulation of nicotine vaping in Australia. Thank you Greg Hunt for listening to the people of Australia and delaying this import ban.”

The work continues. We are stronger together when we raise our #vapersvoice.


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