A Missed Opportunity for Effective Youth Protection

Proposed Vaping Flavour Restrictions in the EU: A Missed Opportunity for Effective Youth Protection

Brussels, 14 August 2023. Reports from Politico today indicate potential tighter regulations on vaping flavours within the European Union. MEPs and industry figures mentioned in the article support stricter rules on flavours to curb youth vaping. However, this approach faces criticism from consumers who fear limitations on choice, endangering the significant progress achieved in reducing smoking rates.

Non-tobacco flavours are widely used by vapers in the EU to move away from the taste of cigarettes, and research shows that their use can increase the odds of quitting by 230%. Restricting flavours will just drive many vapers to the black market or back to smoking. For example, Estonia banned flavours in 2020, but there is evidence that a majority of vapers kept using them, either by making their own liquids or by turning to the black market.

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, emphasised the pivotal role that flavours play in aiding smokers in their journey to quit. “It’s essential to offer a variety of flavours for smokers to successfully transition. Limiting the options to just three flavours would steer countless EU consumers back to smoking. This would be an unnecessary roadblock on the way to a smoke-free Europe.”

The driving force behind the proposal is the aim to mitigate youth vaping. While preventing non-smokers from starting vaping is a priority, it is equally vital to strike a balance between facilitating smoking cessation for adults and protecting adolescents.

“The ultimate protection for the youth lies in education and fulfilling lives for Europe’s young people. We must heed their voices. Surveys consistently reveal that teens tend to engage in risky behaviours when they face challenges like school issues, health problems, or poverty. At the same time, flavours only play a minor role for initiation. If genuinely safeguarding youth is the goal, advocating for improved education, healthcare, and economic conditions becomes imperative. Regrettably, achieving these goals is complex, leading many politicians to opt for sensational yet ineffective policies that overlook tangible outcomes,” Landl added.

An often ignored explanation for adolescent vaping uptake is a “common liability.” In other words, adolescents who are likely to vape are also likely to smoke – e.g. because of personality traits, genetic predisposition, or social and environmental factors.

Flavours play a pivotal role in aiding consumers to quit smoking – millions in Europe have successfully transitioned to less harmful vaping and the wide array of flavours remains a leading incentive for many to switch to e-cigarettes and abandon smoking, providing them with diverse choices.

The World Vapers’ Alliance urges politicians to follow the science and reconsider any plans to limit choice or impose a vaping flavour ban, recognizing the potential harm such bans might inflict on both public health and consumers.


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