
Journal Du Vapoteur joins the World Vapers’ Alliance!

World Vapers’ Alliance is thrilled to welcome Journal Du Vapoteur on board!

Le Journal du Vapoteur is an organisation that offers the most up-to-date information about vaping to consumers.

Besides the global developments around vaping, Journal Du Vapoteur reviews various equipment and e-liquids, and offers tips and tricks for starting your new life as a vaper.  It meets the expectations of both beginners and experienced vapers by providing exciting content on vaping and e-cigarettes. It’s all about educating vapers and smokers who are looking for a way to quit smoking once and for all. 

“With the upcoming TPD review in Europe, it has never been so crucial to raise our voices with joint efforts to save vaping from potential restrictions it might face. The best fighters for our right to vape are informed consumers. This is why the work of Journal Du Vapoteur is so important. We welcome Journal Du Vapoteur to our community and are excited to work together in support of vaping!” – said WVA’s community manager, Liza Katsiashvili.

The World Vapers’ Alliance is thrilled to welcome Journal Du Vapoteur under its umbrella and fight for vaping together!

More information about Journal du Vapoteur is available Hier


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