Hungary Takes a Further Step Against Tobacco Harm Reduction

While local regulations already fail to differentiate between cigarettes and their safer alternatives, Hungary is now being warned that its proposed decree on nicotine pouches and vaping products is excessive.

In Ungarn, e-cigarette advertising is banned and vaping is only allowed in spaces where smoking is allowed, hence making no distinction between the consumption of cigarettes and their safer alternatives. Moreover, vaping products can only be purchased from certain licensed shops, allegedly owned by people politically aligned with the ruling party.

Meanwhile, a new draft Decree aims to amend the current regulations on “cigarettes, smoking tobacco, waterpipe tobacco, heated tobacco products, herbal products for smoking, electronic cigarettes, refill container, electronic device imitating smoking, nicotine-free refill container, nicotine-containing smoking substitutes.” It is believed to amend packet definitions, nicotine amounts and labelling requirements, and impose harsh restrictions on vaping products.

With regards to nicotine pouches, the amendment is proposing a maximum nicotine content of 17 mg per consumption unit. This amount may not be sufficient for heavy smokers seeking to quit, as they would have been be used to inhaling higher levels of nicotine. Hence this could inadvertently limit the appeal of the products as smoking cessation aids.

Der World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA), is warning against these harsh measures. The group explained that if enacted, the proposed regulations would be limiting tobacco harm reduction (THR) options and hinder access to safer alternatives for smokers.

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