Groups Slams WHO’s Misguided Claims

The World Vaper’s Alliance has slammed the World Health Organization’s new publication claiming to examine the evidence surrounding vaping. The WVA says the publication of the WHO’s ‘The global tobacco epidemic’ report, “once again discounts the powerful impact of harm reduction and vaping, reaffirming WHO’s adversarial stance against it”.

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, responded to the publication, saying: “While filled with biased anti-vaping scaremongering and unfounded claims, the report’s overall direction is perplexing. Instead of prioritising the crucial goal of reducing smoking rates, the WHO is directing its focus on vaping, which happens to be the most potent smoking cessation tool available.”

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, asserts in the foreword that vaping would undermine anti-smoking efforts, claiming that, “e-cigarettes are harmful to both the people using them and those around them.”

Michael Landl added: “Regrettably, the WHO appears to ignore reality and scientific evidence. Countries that adopt an open and consumer-friendly approach to harm reduction products achieve significantly better results than those following WHO’s misguided path. Comparative data from Sweden and the United Kingdom demonstrate their remarkable success in reducing smoking rates, surpassing countries with a negative harm reduction approach by a wide margin.”

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