
Consumers condemn Finland’s tax increase plan on Nicotine Pouches

Helsinki, 17 November 2023 – The Finnish government’s recent Vorschlag to increase taxes on nicotine pouches has drawn criticism from the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA). The current plan would increase the price of one nicotine pouch box by approximately 2.5 Euros. This move, which aims to bring smokeless nicotine products under tobacco taxation, is seen as a significant step backwards in harm reduction efforts.

Michael Landl, Director of the WVA, expressed his concerns:

“Finland’s plan to increase taxes on less harmful nicotine alternatives is deeply concerning. Not only does this reduce the price differential between deadly cigarettes and safer alternatives, but it also directly undermines public health goals. By making products like nicotine pouches more expensive, we risk discouraging smokers from switching to these less harmful alternatives.”

The proposal, which seeks to amend the law on tobacco taxation, will encompass smoke-free nicotine products, including nicotine pouches. The WVA warns that such tax increases will disproportionately impact low-income groups, who statistically exhibit higher smoking rates.

Landl further commented:

“Imposing higher taxes on harm reduction products hits the most vulnerable groups the hardest. These are the same groups with the highest smoking rates. Instead of providing them with affordable alternatives to quit smoking, the government is pushing them back to the more harmful habit. This move by the Finnish government is a step in the wrong direction that ignores public health benefits and deepens social inequalities.”

The World Vapers’ Alliance stated that the Finnish lawmakers don’t need to look far for successful examples of harm reduction. Sweden is on track to become the first smoke-free country in the world because of its progressive harm reduction policies. Earlier this year, Sweden angekündigt a program of lowering tax on snus and nicotine pouches while significantly raising cigarette tax.


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