
Help save lives! Raise your voice!

Earlier in April, the Brazilian national drug agency ANVISA opened a consultation to collect technical and scientific information about electronic smoking devices, known as e-cigarettes. ANVISA’s goal is to collect information from all sides, both positive and negative, in order to support their future decisions about the import, sale, and advertising of e-cigarettes in Brazil. 

As an organisation that defends the rights of vapers around the world, we see this consultation as an opportunity for all vapers to raise their voices and tell Anvisa why e-cigarettes are such a crucial tool in helping smokers quit. Since 2009, vaping has been prohibited by ANVISA, but it is time to change this outdated law.

We made it easy for you to take part in the consultation. Below, you can find a document with the key facts that support the need for electronic cigarettes. All you need to do is download the document and upload it in the poll on the ANVISA website.

Download the Factsheet

It is time to make our voices heard. 

We have time until May 11 to speak up and defend our rights!




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Dampfen kann 200 Millionen Leben retten. 2022 ist das Jahr, in dem diese Chance Wirklichkeit wird. Erhebe deine Stimme. Mach mit bei unserer Kampagne. 

Begleiten Sie uns

Dampfen kann 200 Millionen Leben retten und Aromen spielen eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Raucherentwöhnung. Die politischen Entscheidungsträger wollen jedoch Aromen einschränken oder verbieten und setzen damit unsere Bemühungen, die durch das Rauchen verursachten Todesfälle zu beenden, aufs Spiel.

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