FN's seneste særlige rapportør ignorerer skadesreduktion i forbindelse med ...

Despite the fact that harm reduction is one of the UN’s own principles, while applied to other areas of concern such as drug abuse, it is being ignored in relation to smoking and tobacco use.

EN recent report by the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health, has drawn criticism from tobacco harm reduction (THR) experts for its negative stance on vaping and other reduced-risk nicotine products which are known to lead to decreased smoking rates. The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) which represents THR advocates across the Asia-Pacific region, believes the report is misguided and could endanger millions of smokers seeking safer alternatives.

In a media release, CAPHRA said the report is a harmful step backward in the global fight against smoking-related deaths and expressed concern that the report ignores the growing scientific evidence supporting vaping as a less harmful alternative to smoking. While CAPHRA’s Executive Coordinator Nancy Loucas, argued that by demonizing these products, the UN is condemning smokers to continued exposure to harmful toxins in cigarette smoke.

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Vaping kan redde 200 millioner liv. 2022 er året for at gøre denne mulighed til virkelighed. Hæv stemmen. Deltag i vores kampagne. 

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Vaping kan redde 200 millioner liv, og smagsstoffer spiller en nøglerolle i at hjælpe rygere med at holde op. Politikere ønsker imidlertid at begrænse eller forbyde smagsoplevelser, hvilket sætter vores indsats for at stoppe rygerelaterede dødsfald i fare.

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