World Vapers Alliance is delighted to announce that Spolek Nekuraku from the Czech Republic has joined us as a partner organisation!
Spolek Nekuraku (sammenslutningen af ikke-rygere) har til formål at forene mennesker, der holder op med at ryge eller forsøger at holde op med at ryge. Det har til formål at skabe en platform, hvor tidligere rygere og vapers kan dele information og bedste praksis om måder at holde op med at ryge.
“It’s our priority to share information on tobacco harm reduction, best practices for smoking cessation, upcoming and current legislative measures, news, etc. We aim to show people the ways, share experiences and even, if possible, meet in person and not just online,” said the founder of the association, Michal Zdrazil.
“We are thrilled to welcome Spolek Nekuraku on board! Spreading accurate data and combating misinformation on vaping is one of WVA’s main purposes, and we are grateful to have a chance to work with our partners on these topics across the Czech Republic, ” added WVA’s Community Manager, Liza Katsiashvili.
Learn more about the Spolek Nekuraku by following them on Twitter at @spoleknekuraku or visiting