
Argentina bedt om at ophæve forbuddet mod e-cigaret

The Argentinean vapers’ association, Asovape Argentina, and the World Vapers’ Alliance have sent an åbent brev Argentina’s recently elected president, Javier Milei, calling for the repeal of the National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology Bestemmelse 3226/2011 banning the commercialization of e-cigarettes.

The provision banned the import, distribution, marketing, advertising and promotion of e-cigarettes. It went into effect May 6, 2011.

The letter explains that numerous studies conducted since the ban took effect have demonstrated the significantly lower risk profile and the usefulness of e-cigarettes for smoking cessation as well as the low health risk of nicotine. The signatories also argue that the ban is incompatible with respect for the individual freedom of Argentinian adults and the rights to free development of personality, information and health of users and smokers.

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