
World Vapers’ Alliance calls on the Polish politicians to support vaping

Global vaping advocacy group World Vapers’ Alliance launches #BackVapingBeatSmoking action in Warsaw to draw attention of the Polish politicians

A global advocacy group for vaping, World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA), launches the #BackVapingBeatSmoking campaign in Warsaw to encourage Polish policymakers to embrace harm reduction and vaping. As part of their #BackVapingBeatSmoking campaign, the WVA delivered the message that vaping can save one million lives in Poland and 19 million lives in Europe to representatives of the PIS, Platforma Obywatelska.

The WVA presented their “Vaping Products Directive” to show how vaping needs to be treated to fulfil its full potential for public health. Additionally, the WVA unveiled an art installation in the shape of the falling domino moved across the Polish capital to draw attention to the importance of tobacco harm reduction.

“Only in Poland, more than one million smokers could potentially switch to vaping if the Government embraced harm reduction. This means, one million lives could be saved from tobacco-related illnesses if politicians stop banning flavours, raising taxes and lowering nicotine levels in e-liquids. In Poland, more than 70 thousand people die every year from tobacco smoking, and if politicians don’t change their approach to harm reduction, this number will keep growing,” said Michael Landl, director of the WVA.


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Vaping kan redde 200 millioner liv. 2022 er året for at gøre denne mulighed til virkelighed. Hæv stemmen. Deltag i vores kampagne. 

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Vaping kan redde 200 millioner liv, og smagsstoffer spiller en nøglerolle i at hjælpe rygere med at holde op. Politikere ønsker imidlertid at begrænse eller forbyde smagsoplevelser, hvilket sætter vores indsats for at stoppe rygerelaterede dødsfald i fare.

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