
20,000 sign petition to protect vapes

Almost 20,000 people have signed an online petition against a crackdown on vapes in Europe that would put “millions of lives” at risk.

Action group World Vapers’ Alliance is urging vapers to get behind its petition calling on the European Union (EU) not to place further restrictions on safer alternatives to smoking.

The EU is currently reviewing the Tobacco Products Directive, which regulates the vaping industry with rules on tank size, e-liquid bottle volume and nicotine strength.

The review is expected to lead to tighter rules on the sale and use of vapes, such as banning some flavours.

But World Vapers’ Alliance says the move to restrict vapes, which are known to help smokers quit more dangerous cigarettes, will put lives at risk.

It says: “Every year, 700,000 lives are needlessly lost in the EU due to smoking-related diseases. As the EU reviews the Tobacco Products Directive, there’s a concerning push to restrict safer nicotine alternatives, further endangering lives.

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Vaping kan redde 200 millioner liv. 2022 er året for at gøre denne mulighed til virkelighed. Hæv stemmen. Deltag i vores kampagne. 

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Vaping kan redde 200 millioner liv, og smagsstoffer spiller en nøglerolle i at hjælpe rygere med at holde op. Politikere ønsker imidlertid at begrænse eller forbyde smagsoplevelser, hvilket sætter vores indsats for at stoppe rygerelaterede dødsfald i fare.

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