Saving flavours, saving lives

Germany is at a crossroads: the government is discussing a tightening of e-cigarette regulation that would jeopardize the successful path of harm reduction. A possible ban on flavors not only threatens consumers' freedom of choice, but also the significant progress made in public health.

Dobbiamo agire ORA

Aromi per svapare: I tuoi gusti preferiti sono a rischio! Il governo sta valutando severe restrizioni sui gusti per sigarette elettroniche.

It is vital that consumers raise their voices and defend their choices. Stand up for your rights and help ensure the continued success of harm reduction strategies in Germany.

Act now and contact the candidates in your constituency for the upcoming federal election to voice your concerns. The election will take place on February 23.

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Aromi per svapare

A ban on vapor flavors would be a serious mistake. For many adult smokers, these flavors are the key to switching from harmful cigarettes to e-cigarettes. Such a restriction would massively weaken vaping as a cessation aid. In addition, a flavor ban could promote a dangerous black market where quality controls are lacking and unsafe products could end up in circulation. Instead, a balanced policy is needed that enables harm reduction for adults and protects young people at the same time.


Germany should consistently advocate harm reduction and promote proven methods that make it easier for smokers to switch to lower-risk alternatives. This approach has proven to be effective internationally and offers smokers a promising prospect of improving their health and quality of life.

Let’s give smokers in Germany the chance of a smoke-free life!

Unisciti alla nostra campagna

Utilizzeremo le informazioni fornite in questo modulo per contattarti in merito alla World Vapers' Alliance e ai problemi di svapo. Per maggiori dettagli, si prega di leggere il nostro politica sulla riservatezza.

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La nostra ultima campagna

Sei stanco di sentire resoconti contrastanti su svapo e riduzione del danno, e di non sapere cosa credere? Unisciti a noi nel nostro sforzo di sfatare i miti più diffusi sullo svapo.